Training Stuff

Check out training highlights in my Training Log.

Don't laugh, but my trusty steed for the 3000 miles of training I did over a hot Florida Summer leading up to this ride was a Red 1989 Schwinn LeTour.


Training Partners

Obviously as a cyclist I spend a lot of time on my bike. A fair amount of that time is spent on training rides with other members of the Gainesville Cycling Club. One of my regular rides would be a B ride, as they go an easy to maintain pace of 15-17 mph. However as of late I seem to find myself out fairly often with the faster riders, averaging 19-21 mph. (Not too difficult as long as the group is large enough to rotate enough people up front)

Although I have bicycled many miles over the many years since childhood, I actually have a more documented history (in the past decade or so at least) as a runner. I have put in a lot of miles with my many friends in the Florida Track Club. I also have the advantage of occasionally winning an award in a running race, something that never happens in much of anything else, save for a triathlon if they have a Clydesdale category. I occasionally take photos of races when I am not running, and have several photo galleries of various FTC races on my Photography by Richard Ritari web page.

I also find a lot of inspiration from other athletes, some of whom have web sites of their own. I always appreciate the introspective ramblings of Alison Colavecchia. Alison will be turning 40 this year. In honour of this occasion she decided (some time back) that she needs to do an Ironman triathlon to truly mark that milestone in her life properly. If you wonder why, you'll have to read her words to find out, because it seems like a perfectly normal thing to do in my book!

In a running vein, the slightly offbeat musings of Michael Tsai can reach the truth about being an athlete on a day to day, year after year basis. Those that truly make exercise a regular part of their lives will find his perspective quite insightful and motivating.


Bicycle Related Links

Florida Highway Patrol - Bicycles and Traffic


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